Brooklyn for being named Black Girls Rock! 2013 M.A.D.
(Making A
Difference) Girl.
Brooklyn Wright Imagine a Future
● Ms. Beverly Bond
thank you so much for selecting me as a M.A.D. Girl. I learned so
much from my weekend with Black Girls Rock! I
am so inspired to do more.
● Thank you Bonnie
Jean for designing my special dress. I really enjoyed my visit to
your office.
● Thank you
JcPenney's Hiram, GA for supplying my casual wear.
Earth Saver Girl
on NBC Nightly News
Earth Saver Girl is
on the cover of Time For Kids
- October 2013 Black Girls Rock! M.A.D.
(Making A Difference) Girl Honoree
- October 2013 PeaceFirst Prize Finalist
- April 2013 Earth Saver Girl featured on
the cover of Time for Kids Magazine
- September 2012 Brooklyn wins The Gloria
Barron Prize for Young Heroes
- October 2011, Brooklyn wins Everyday
Young Hero Award from Youth Service America
- July 2011, Brooklyn wins Regional Award from Kohl's Kids
Who Care
- July 2011, Brooklyn/Earth Saver Girl wins International
Young Eco-Hero Award from Action For Nature
- December 2010, Brooklyn is name Captain Planet's 2010 Eco
- December 2010, Brooklyn wins a national award from Keep
America Beautiful